My crystal's melody

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Updating at beginning of my Year2Sem3...

so long din update my blog ady,suddenly dun knw hw to start blogging tim cuz hv many thing to share bt 4gt abt detail ady.he3...watever wat nike said:"just do it".

1st,start v my hospitality.yes3...i have moved room again n tis time can say is "return to my original point" or "回到原点" loh.cuz i moved bek to last time where the 1st place i stay at kampar which is up-stair of cake,tis time i down grade ady cuz last time i stay at 2nd floor n tis time i moved into 1st floor.actually after thinking,i want to thx fate cuz gv made the best n most suitable choice for me.haiz...i faced some problem when want move in cuz the x-owner of my room nw loh.wat she did ar?.?actually she as a utarian should be finished her exam at 23th dec like tat d,then dun knw y she want stay at kampar here til...i ask her when wil u move out,so tat i can move in.then,she keep on ran away frm my question by saying "dun knw"+"nt so sure"+"mayb" etc.finally at 26dec,i cant tahan n sms her ask again.she reply me said "31 dec",then i ask "u morning or evening move out?.?",she reply soon "late in the evening".so,i think the problem is settled loh cuz i must oso move out frm my x-room b4 31th dec mah cuz i just paid rental til dec only.the next day,she sms me "i mayb wil move out only at 1st jan".then,i totally dun want talk v her ady cuz i knw her plan ady.i can c clearly tat her plan is move out on 1st jan cuz tat day is a public holiday,so tat her family can come frm johor to help she move out,miss ar...u must oso think at my place d mah,i must move out b4 1st jan n u dun move out b4 tat then where i want put all my items oh!!!anyway,at here i want say thx to msia gov for the 1st day really full v sincerely.y?.?cuz some1 play football n won dun knw wat match,so our pm said tat let's us celebrate by announcing 31th dec is another public holiday wor.yipple^^ nw tat gal can move out on 31th dec morning n i can succeed moved out n then moved into new room.u all oso think tat my story ended here oh?.?say real d,myself oso think like,after settled all items down,i went bek to ipoh happily.the 2nd part of story began on 14jan,when i come bek kampar frm ipoh,i only find tat the key she dun hv gv the owner real room key,she gv another locker key to the onwer n the owner dun check on it,plus i oso din check carefully on the key.i think tat i open my room door v the key which owner gv me bt actually is nt like tat.the truth is the key she gv is smaller than original key bt tat key fit the door hole n when she leave,she din lock the many tis n tat plus together made i think tat i hv open the door v the right key.nw i think bek,just feel tat hw stupid im at tat time.then hw?.?need cal ppl come break tat door loh,then i c tat man just used thin metal stick put into the door hole then use another metal to hit on tat thin medal stink.wathecow!!!the door opened n my rm20 flied!!!anyway,i oso want say thx to tat gal cuz she left 2curtains plus 30metres internet cable for me,so tat i can reuse them.wakaka XD...haiz >"<...i just self-console only lah ==!!! i wil 4ever rmb 28-12-2010 cuz wat u said to me on the phone.tat time actually im a bit scare to accept n think tat it's nt the time i should do tis.anyway,i knw tat sometime when the opportunity is gone then it wont come bek again rethink bek,i wil sure feel a bit regret on wat ans i gv u tat day. next,talk abt my education.i dun knw wat say im lucky or wat.last sem,i took 2subjects n i scored B n D,so tis mean tat my gpa ngam2 rebalanced to 2.0 n i can cont study,bt my cgpa til remain at 1.9++,tis sem i took 6subjects which is eng4bz,taxation,a.i.s,audit practice,aap n repeat my lovely PM!!!haiz...the same question come loh cuz eng4bz+a.i.s+PM lecturers is til so "good" lah.i really cant find any words to describe hw good they PM lecturer is til is our most pro MR.CK loh,luckily my PM tutor nt is him again.a.i.s lecturer just hv 1,so cant change loh,actually he til ok lah,just tat his eng fusion v tamil ady loh.u just need to diffuse his language then no problem d.wakaka XP...eng4bz lecturer is so "nt boring" loh,bt i change class ady,hopefully thing gt better tis sem is the most changeable sem i hv b4 cuz i changed my time-table so many N times,bt til cant gt the nice time lah.y leh?.?i tel u all nw.mon class start 930am til 4pm~~~tue class start 10am til 630pm~~~wed start 8am til 8pm~~~thu 8am til 8pm~~~fri 11am til 8pm.haiz >"<...u all say i cham a nt lah!!!all class nt morning 1class n evening time 1class til 8pm,in btw gt so many time gap oso dun knw do wat.i want cycle bek home then cycle bek uni again once or twice per day plus nw must cycle through westlake,more far n tired.

finally is story abt my black wed which is yesterday.wat happened to me?.?good question!!!1st my bicycle's tyre is puncit in the early,i cant go to my 8am class loh.nvm,then i go repair it which cost rm7 n i equipped a small light behind of my bicycle which cost another rm7 too cuz nw almost 4days of 5days i ended class late n it is more safety for me to hv small light behind my bicycle loh although i knw tat if the car or motor want "kiss" me any second oso can do so d.the 2nd matter is my house hv been "1st blood" by some1.i received phone frm my mum at wed afternoon said tat our house in ipoh KENA MASUK PENCURI!!!wathecow!!!my house so poor til want come steal thing meh!!!damn stupid!!!luckily no ppl injurn lah.i just knw tat my lovely N-gage QD hv been stolen.wathecow!!!my memory card gone too!!!i cursed u damn stupid at here no rice eat at new year!!! rice can eat bread n mee d mah.right?.?im so ultra swt oh ==!!!

tat's all for 2day story telling time.nitez to all my fren=)

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