My crystal's melody

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Examination frm crystal...

recently,there are few examinations given by crystal to me.i dun knw y few of them come together,at least tis can prove tat crystal is til concern abt me lah.1st examination is abt my result in education.since i stepped in my degree life,my result start to down til below 2.0,actually cant say drop lah,is my 1st sem result in degree year1 ady below 2.0 loh.then,i managed to raise a bit my cgpa in 3rd sem.who knw!!!in my 1st sem of year2,tis time i fail my 1st subject in utar which is Performance Management after 3 Ds i gt in previous exam.the climax nt yt reach at here,it come when utar send warning letter to my hometown.tis mean tat my situation in utar is so extremely's also a wake up call to me as my family future n destiny is on my hand,cont live or die depend on myself.i knw tat my family is so extremely dissapointed with my result in uni.i oso feel no face want c them,i und tat i must accept wat i hv done like wat ppl said "wat u plant is wat u get".crystal told me tat if u cont act like tat,ur blog main title hv to change frm "the story of an ice becoming crystal" into "the story of an ice becoming steam"!!!cuz nw i til hv sth as an ice,when i become steam,im ntg anymore.i wish tat tis time i really can overcome tis problem n truly "repent and mely my way".so,i used tis blog act as another ppl to scold myself in order to wake me up frm here,i oso want say thousand thanks to u,ms MK.although we just knw each other n b fren for abt 3months n then no c each other after tat,when i need a listener,u wil say "im here" to me.tat's all for my 1st examination frm examination frm crystal is abt my house problem.

P/S:to all my fren who involved in my house problem,i think tat u all wont like to cont read frm here onward or u all wont even read tis post,tat's good.cuz i oso dun knw wat wil i write in below,i just want to release my feeling.if gt anything say wrong,pls forgive me.i write tis oso nt want u all feel bad abt me or want sympathetic frm anyone.

old ppl said tat "want b fren easy bt want b housemate nt easy as u think".in tis moment,i finally und wat tis mean ady.i oso forgot tat hw our house problem which involved 3ppl can nw linked n involved more n more,as no of ppl increase in a problem then tat problem wil become more n more problem loh.i knw the problem ady happen til tis situation,who oso nt good to blame with.i just can say tat "in tis world dun hv party tat wont end" n "when disaster come,every bird must fly away frm each other in order to gt save".i feel happy tat destiny bring 3 of us together n b housemates for 4months++,just feel sad tat our houseship hv come to limit.i knw everybody hv different thinking n,when wat u want i dun want n wat i want u dun want,tis mean tat it's time for us to separate cuz us dun hv same mission ady.finally,i feel glad n happy tat both of u willing to gv me helping,dun knw it's my six sense or wat lah.i ceeo so cakh loh.leq pab qherh is no ooag zaq be qakh,i tanw romiw loh.qhaw liu bai's eoush qio nt yt pab tanw loh,ok?qhaw sqn bqi wu's eoush pab tanw xdb xlsr zaq auq tanw lah,thaw a cunnb gokh i hveq eearg yeforh loh.u qreaw me as 3 y.o zhilg meh?yotk of u at qherh wcw as dooj lpo wor.u gt so doog eearw,zao me go ptab at heenb qherh wor,wftet me qio tanw rsh me as heenb oeplacemenw,go gaydreamini lah.

at last,i just want to say sorry if u und wat im writing above.gv me one more chance,i wont b adam,i want to b jesus who follow the word of GOD or my mum.good nite,my blog cuz i dun knw next time when i wil wake u up again=)

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