There are few first time i did some activities during yesterday and today d:
1~i be helper in utar during the mind festival.
i feel happy cuz can b helper together with my fren such as kenny,alex,yeong li,yin syn,li theng and etc...(all are my TG8 d new fren except 2 old d fren at TA4 lah).tat day morning b4 i go 2 skol,i feel a bit nervous d cuz dun knw later i wil b given wat job mah.v all need to arrived at skol b4 730am,bt tat day v oso a bit late lah.he3...cuz every1 oso cant wake up at so early mah.ha3...yeong li and alex given the task to defend enemy in the 1st defend line.i just can wish they are good luck only cuz tat is a dangerous task.the jeneral even called yeong li to attack from backdoor wor.kenny,i,yin syn and li theng given the task as defending the food store from the attacking of the is a job which cant say easy or hard lah,just middle d level 1st at all,v must remove all the food from the palance's food store(canteen) to our each ppl d defend area or counter(free area beside ddk2/just 2 tables and chair only lah).can tat count as area???i oso nt sure wor.after moving all the food to our counter,v hv to count clearly abt the amount of food cuz now is war time,there is nt extra food 4 who d,even he is jeneral oso say like tat d lah.kenny+li theng n my counter been attacked by large no of enemy wor,bt yin syn d counter look like so peaceful without wat huge attack fram the opponent.when the war hv began,1st my counter was being attacked by large no of enemy,luckily my partner(i oso dun knw she called wat name,just named she with leng nui with black shirt loh) is very clever and full with,cuz the no of enemy really too large for v to handle.suddenly,there is another fren(leng nui with white shirt) of my partner joined us in the defending,in the end,v can managed to defend our counter n reattack our enemy til all of them ran back to their country(ddk1).unfortunetely,2nd time the enemy attacking kenny+li theng d counter wor.waloo...too many of them,kenny used his fire-cracker to make signal for HELP!!!then,my clever d partner say tat she ownself can handle the remaining weak or injurned enemy,so i n her fren go help kenny+li theng at their counter.with the cooperate of 4 ppl,v oso sucessful reattacked the enemy n scare them away.wakaka...muaha3...v r the winner of the war!!!tat all of the helper(warrior of defender) d story.
2~i c the deputy prime minister face to face,nt from tv or newspaper.
i feel so proud cuz hv chance to c him at,my another mission hv failed.cuz im a secret agent from XYZ country,my mission is to K?I?,the defending of the security guard of utar is too perfect ady til nt 1% chance for me to launch my attack or use my secret weapon---flying pen...ha3...nvm cuz there wil b another day v tat mission of ?I?L him.wakaka...u cant escape from my weapon cuz im the bounty hunter.he3...nw only u knw hw powerful n skillful im ar???u knw nw oso no too late d.ok lah,after talking tis,let talk abt something conclusion,i found tat he is looking fatter than the picture which at newspaper.oops...remember dun tel other ppl tat tis sceret is i tel u d wor.ok???promise???if nt,i will ???? u d oh!!!dun play-play with me lah!!!
3~i jogging with my x-TA4 fren after my M.P(management principle d mid-term) in the evening
2day,i go jogging v kenny,chee ann,samantha,pei yi,pipu n yin syn.cuz chee ann n kenny hv invite me so many times to join them go jogging ady,im paiseh to reject them again like im so mulia oh.actually nt like tat d lah cuz i ntg to do after back from skol mah,so go c c hw loh.i oso dunknw myself can til jog a nt d cuz since last time i ady almost 1/2 yr dun hv jogging ady loh.y???cuz im so lazy loh.ha3...tat is the simplest n more honest d ans tat i can gv u.the main reason i join them go jogging is for own body d health lah cuz im too fat ady need a bit of exercise loh.tis is just the beginning only.i hope tat i can cont joining them go do tis healthy d activity---JOGGING!!!pls wish me dun b lazy again n cont gambatea in keep fit!!!
4~i c such cant use word to express d garden inside the area behind danish house area.
2day,v all ppl go tat park to jogging mah,only i knw tat garden is so...beautiful d wor,just like tat "garden of eden".b4 tis i ady knw tat there is a new garden at there d,bt i cant imagine tat it is so large in area n full v facility d loh such as playground,exercise or gym d tool,water fall,pond v many fish inside it,chair for ppl to sit n relax n rest after exercise...etc.2day cuz is the starting of jogging for me,so i just jog for 2 rounds only,bt i wil try to jog more rounds.he3...if want c picture,pls link to kenny or pei yi d blog from my blog.tq so much for u all d cooperation cuz im lazy to post picture at here.ha3...